Sheryl Sandberg, the fifth most powerful woman in the world, Silicon Valley’s most-watched female and Facebook’s COO, has been named the first woman to the company’s board of directors after four years with the company.
She joins CEO Mark Zuckerberg
and six other board members that include Adreessen Horowitz’s Marc
Andreessen, James W. Breyer of Accel Partners Reed Hastings, the
chairman and CEO, Netflix and Founder’s Fund Peter A. Thiel, among others. Marketwatch reported and Facebook confirmed this news with FORBES this afternoon.

In the lead-up to the company’s spring IPO, pressure on Facebook to
increase diversity on its board began to mount and my colleague Connie
Guglielmo took note of a rash of protests. Ultraviolet,
a community of women’s rights activists, protested outside Facebook’s
New York headquarters in March and submitted a petition signed by 53,000
people collected in under 48 hours asking Zuckerberg to add a women to
the board.
But while Sandberg’s appointment is certainly positive news, it does
cast a light on the continued gender imbalance on the boards of some of
Silicon Valley’s most popular and influential firms. By Guglielmo’s count Adobe Systems, Pandora, Zillow, Zynga and Splunk’s boards are no-girls-allowed, while Apple, Groupon and LinkedIn have only one woman board member.
“Sheryl has been my partner in running Facebook and has been central
to our growth and success over the years,” said Zuckerberg in a
statement. “Her understanding of our mission and long-term opportunity,
and her experience both at Facebook and on public company boards makes
her a natural fit for our board.”
Before joining Facebook, Sandberg served as vice president of Global
Online Sales and Operations at Google, and held a position in the
Clinton administration, serving as Chief of Staff for the United States
Treasury Department. In addition to Facebook, she serves on the boards
of The Walt Disney Company, Women for Women International, the Center
for Global Development and V-Day.
As reported by TechCrunch,
Sandberg will have her own vote in all company matters, meaning she
won’t be voting to represent anyone else—whether chief executive Mark
Zuckerberg or other shareholders.
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